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Monday, February 6, 2017

Apparel Pattern Making Procedure

Apparel Pattern Making Procedure
The importance and necessary of a pattern maker in apparel Manufacture are inexpressible. A pattern maker is capable of converting fashion designers imagination or thought to become visible. A pattern maker is he who makes garment pattern based on provided idea/sketch. The sustainable of a design mostly depends on pattern makers experts,
Efficiency and capability: as all we know fabric is the main element of a garment item which contains about 50% (percent) of total value. So, 1% fabric cost is possible to save by efficient pattern maker, this will increase average profit margin. So we can easily realize the significance role of a pattern maker in wear manufacture to gain profit margin. Thus, owner of garment manufacture always gives top priority for making a good pattern maker team to minimize production cost.
Pattern maker working procedure as per mention under
A- Work sheet Review
B - Have to review all the packages/ program completely one by one for clear understanding. For this           task pattern maker should consult with relabeled merchandisers all time.
C - Ask merchandiser to provide all basic information or development sheet for review.
D - Have to confirm all the packages are clearly understood. It will be better if receive any reference pattern or sample from buyers side for review.
E - Have to know sample development schedule and delivery time before starting pattern.
F - If having any confutation or unclear point, should clear it before start pattern making.
Basic Pattern  
A - Check previous season or buyer sending pattern to avoid fit problem
B - Check buyer sending pattern with spec sheet
C - Should carefully rectify buyer sending pattern
D - Consider measurement loose for sewing, refer to previous similar style.
E - Consider the design line from mark sample or sketch.
F - If available copy pattern construction from previous style.
G - Should use mark and pin sample to make new style pattern.
H - Should apply update comments to avoid any missing and mistake.

Style Pattern
A - Before creating style pattern has understood all the construction very clearly
B - Have to understand the importance of notches, interior and exterior design details.
C - Have to understand seam allowance requirements based on machine and product construction.
D - Add fabrication as mention BOM with compare sketch details.
E - Proceed to make lining pattern from shell pattern based on style.
F - Check the full style pattern again ones ready, like join seam, fabrication, notches, internals, seam allowance, and all parts are created.
G - Pattern maker should make some mock up for critical points to fit the sample and consult with seniors if necessary.
H – To make washing style pay extra care to erase measurement problem.

Sewing Pattern
A-     Have to study buyer spec sheet clearly and sketch details attentively and follow all of their sewing pattern guideline.
B-      Have to make all needed pattern and be ready for sewing.
C-      The entire finish pattern should be made by hand or plot as per requirement
D-     All the important point should confirmed by seniors.
Marker Making
a-      Have to make correct model with all the pattern and correct fabrication.
b-      Before start the marker, pattern, and marker man have to check fabrication with fabric type and all pattern pieces are there to avoid any missing and mistake.
c-       Marker man should collect all the fabric width information.
Beside this a pattern maker has to maintain below responsible:
As we know if a pattern maker makes a mistake it will bring great loss to concern garments company. So garments owner should emphasize on pattern section and give them good working environment with motivation. It’s human nature that whenever they will get more then they will pay more attention to their duties.

a-      To be energetic for the development of pattern regularly and no compromise against product quality & measurement.
b-      Have to find out quick solution against any problem arisen regarding patterns during bulk production and identify root causes to erase hassles and take prompt corrective action.
c-       To be sincere to fulfill the pattern demand of buyers to improve the product quality.
d-      To keep up communication through e-mail or other way with the concern parties.
e-      Motivate and give training to subordinates to enrich their skills.
f-       Communicate with Merchandiser, CAD, Cutting, printing, embroidery, QC and Sewing floor for any functional requirements.
g-      Hardly devoted to achieve the company’s goal.
h-      Promptly implement the instruction of higher management.
i-        Should have sound knowledge regarding the utilization of equipment/machinery in production floor to ensure the product quality during pattern making.

Note: All the pattern maker should follow guideline perfectly without fail to minimize the mistake. We should realize that our entire attempt might become in vain if the pattern maker not maintain the above instructions strictly and not finished his task carefully. It will be better if there a cordial relation between pattern maker and concern merchandiser to expedite above task.
Marker making preparation and its factors
Some preliminary steps would be followed before marker making to gain optimum margin in bulk production. Nowadays modern technologies are used to
Increase marker efficiency. If it is not available then manual method is used to do marker making. Fabric natures, standards of fabric consumption, grain line direction and characteristics of pattern pieces are the main factors that affect marker efficiency. The common tricks which are being used for marker making have described below.
Cutting Table: marker planner should consider the cutting table length and width before marker making. Cutting table length must be more than the marker length for smooth operation.
Fabric part: an expert marker maker should amalgamate all big parts together during marker making and then insert other small parts into the gap to enhance
The marker efficiency: They have to understand that about 90% marker efficiency is desired to garments manufacturer.
Fabric Faults: marker man should consider fabric quality report during marker making. If found any defects in a fabric toll and it was marked by the quality that points must be avoided for quality production and to least the fabric wastage.
Note: marker making size-middle of size range and give the fabric booking may be save cost for company
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