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Wednesday, November 30, 2016


1st Day

*  What is Work-study?

              Work-study is the systematic examination of the methods of carrying activities so as to improve the effective use of resources and to set up standards of performance for the activities being carried out.  

                                  Method study                         Work measurement.

                                        Work place engineering               Time study
                                         Motion economy                          G.S.D

                                                                                                  Sew easy 2005.

                                                                                                 Capacity Study.

                                                                                                 Historical data.

                                                                                                Analytical estimating.

                                Minimum work place.

                                Maximum work place.

          *  Why it is valuable?

1)     It is a direct means of raising productivity involving little or no expenses.
2)     It is systematic, simple, and consistent in based on the handling of facts.
3)     It ensures that no factor affecting the efficiency of operating is over looked.
4)     It is a tool, which can be applied universally.
5)     It is the most penetrating tools of investigation available to management.
6)     It is relatively cheap and easy to apply.

    * Objectives of work-study:

1)     Lower cost.
2)     Increase productivity.
3)     Increase profitability.
4)     Increase jobs security.
5)     To make the work easier.
6)     Establish fair task for every one.
7)     Check achievement against standard.

Work Study & IPE:
Work-study is the part of Industrial & production engineering. This is like the cricket game where the methods are improved.

2nd Day

        *    What is Method study?
Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing cost.
        It is a systematic recording and critical examination of ways of doing things in order to make improvement.

(In a sort letter “ to reduce the cost, which examination/system are going to set up to developing and applying easier and more effective methods”.)

          *  Objectives of method study: -

1)     For better design of plant equipment and buildings.
2)     Improve layout of factory and office.
3)     Higher standard of safety and health.
4)     To improve the flow of work.
5)     To get the better quality.
6)     Effective materials handling.
7)     To improve the proper utilization of resources.
8)     To get maximum output.
9)     To improve administration.
10)Waste reduction.

* Why should method study come first?

All the techniques of work-study are inter-connected and any separation is only for convenience of discussion.

Work place engineering

Minimum working area
Maximum working area

     *  Motion Economy:

                Selecting the work to be studied:

When you are going to carry out a method study, before selecting the job you have to consider the following:

1)     Economic or cost effective consideration,

2)     Technical consideration,

3)     Human consideration.

*Economic consideration: -

It is obviously a waste of time to start or to continue a long investigation if the economic importance of a job is small, or if it is one that is not expected to run for long section that should always be asked will it pay to be in a method study of this job or will it pay to continue this study obvious choice for study are:

1)     Key profit generating or costly operation or ones with the largest waste rates.
2)     Bottlenecks, which are holding, up other production operation.
3)     Operations involving repetitive work a great deal of labors and ones that are lightly to run for a long time.  
4)     Movement of materials over a long distance between workstation those involving the use of a relatively large production of labor or which require repeated handling of materials.

             *   Technical consideration:

One of the important consideration is the desire by measurement to acquire were advance technology whether in equipment or in process. This management way wants to computerize its office paper work or its inventory system, or to introduce automations in the production operation before such steps are taken, a method study can point out the most important needs of the enterprise in this respect.

               *   Human consideration:

Certain operation is often a cause of dissatisfaction by workers. They may induce      fatigues or monotony or may be waste or clumsy to operate the level of satisfaction should point to needs for method study. This an operation such may be perceived as effective by management may, or the other hand generate a great deal of resentment by workforce if such operations are addressed by work study specialized as part of an overall work study programs. The benefit of work-study can become more appearance to the work force.

3rd Day

* The procedure of method study: -

1)     Select: The work to be studied and define its boundaries.
2)     Record: The relevant factors about the job by direct observation and collect such additional data as may be needed from appropriate sources.
3)     Examine: The way the job is being perform and challenge its purpose, place, sequence and method of performance.
4)      Develop: The most practical, economic and effective method drawing on the contributions of those concerns.
5)     Evaluate: Different alternative to develop a new improve method comparing the cost effectiveness of the selected new method with the current method of performance.
6)     Define: The method as a result in clear manner and presenting to those concerns that is management, supervisor, and workers.
7)      Install: The new method as a standard practice and trained the process involved in applying it.
8)     Maintain: The new method an introduce control procedures to prevent a drifting back to the previous method of work. 
         * The principle of motion economy:
1)     Use of human body.
2)     Arrangement of the work place.
3)     Design of tools and equipment.

          * Use of human body: -

a)            The two hands should begin and complete their movement at the same time.
b)        The two hand should not be idle at the same time accept during the period of rest.
c)     Motion of the arm should be symmetrical and in opposite directions should be simultaneously.
d)           Hand and body motion should be made at the lowest specifications at which it is Possible to do the work satisfactory.
e)     Continuous curve movements are to be preferred to straight-line motions involving sudden and sharp changes in direction.
f)       Ballistic (free swinging) movement is faster, easier and more accurate than restricted movement.
g)    “Rhythm” is essential to the smooth and automatic performance of a repetitive operation. The work should be arranged to permit easy and natural rhythm when ever possible.
h)      Work should be arranged so that eye movements are confined to a comfortable area without the need for frequent changes of focus.

*  Classification of movement: -

Body members moved
Hands, finger.
Forearm, hands, finger.
Upper arm, forearm, hands, finger.
Torso, upper arm, forearm, hands, finger.

 * Arrangement of the work place: -

1)     Definite and fixed stations should be provided for all tools and materials to permit habit formation.
2)     Tools and materials should be repositioned to reduce searching.
3)     Tools, material control should be located within the maximum working area and as near to the worker as possible.
4)     Tools, materials should be arranged to permit the best sequence of motions.
5)     A comfortable chair should be provided. It should be possible for the worker to put both knees under the bench.
6)     Adequate natural or artificial lighting should be provided.
7)     A pleasing color scheme makes the work place attractive.

* Design of tools and equipment: -

1)     The hand should be relieved of all work of holding the work place where this can be done by jig, fixture or foot operated device.
2)     Two or more tools should be combined wherever possible.


Standard allocated minute.

Standard Worker

The standard worker is that worker who has the consistency.
A qualified worker is one who has acquired the skill, knowledge and other attributes      to carry out the work in hand to satisfactory standard of quality, quantity and safety.

4th Day

          * What is Work measurement?

Work measurement is the application of techniques design to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance.   

  *    Objectives of work measurement:
1)     Planning: Work measurement data forms a reliable basis for planning and loading men and machine so that management is to able to utilize these resources to the best advantage.
2)     Control: Reliable figure of actual use of resources are invaluable for the management for making sound decision on how to increase productive efficiency.
3)     Incentive: It provides basis for a fair and realistic incentive scheme.
4)     Budgeting: It provides information for labor budgeting systems.
5)     Costing: It provides basis for standard costing system.
6)     To find out individual worker capacity
7)     To find out line capacity.
8)     To find out bottleneck area.
9)     To find out effective time.
10)To establish the standard time (SAM/SMV/SAH).
11)To find out worker/line efficiency.
12)To know the worker/line productivity gap.

   *  Uses of work measurement:

1)     To compare the efficiency of alternative method, the method, which takes the least time, will be the best method.
2)     To balance the work of members of teams, as nearly as possible each member has a task taking an equal time to perform.
3)     To provide information that can enable to estimates the delivery date.
4)     To set standards of machine manpower utilization and labor performance.

To provide information for labor cost control and to enable standard cost to be fixed and maintained.

* What is time study?

         Time study is a work measurement technique for recording the time of performing a certain/specified conditions and for analyzing the data so as to obtain time necessary for an operator to carry out at a define rate of performance.


General sewing data (G.S.D) is a technique for method analysis & setting of time standards for sewn products industry.

GSD is predetermined Motion time system & was devised by methods workshop limited in 1978. It was developed to provide a consistent, accurate, and easy to understand, easy to communicate, methods analysis & time standards determination technique.

How does GSD work?

1.      Each movement has a code.
2.      Each code has corresponding time value that takes into account of the distance moved & the degree of difficulty of the motions.
3.      By using these codes we can record in detail an operation.

Capacity Study

                       To check how many an operator can produce in 1 hour.
·         Time & record a number of observations.
·         Calculate the average observed time
·         Add allowances
·         Calculate the capacity per hour
·         Analyze & interpret the result to the supervisor / in- charge.

  * Where we can apply time study?

1)The job in question a new one, not previously carried out new product, component, operations or set up activities.
2)     A change in material or method of working has been made and new time standard is required.

3)     A complains has been received from a worker or workers representative about the time standard of the operation.

4)     A particular operation appears to be a bottleneck holding up sub-sequent operation and possibly previous operations.

5)     Standard times are required before an incentive scheme is introduced.   

6)     A piece of equipment appears to be idle for an excessive time or its output is low and if there for becomes necessary to be investigated the method of it uses.

7)     The job needs studying as a preliminary to make a method study or to compare the efficiency of two methods.

The cost of a particular job appears to be excessive as may be evidence by a Pareto type analysis.

* The equipment used for time study

1)     Stop watch
2)     Clip board
3)     Time study format
4)     Pencil
5)     Eraser
6)     Calculator

5th Day

Which are holding up production operations, or a lengthy operation, that consumes a great deal of time.

A bottleneck is the operation in any team that has the lowest capacity of production.

** What is the meaning of bottleneck?
Bottlenecks mean lost production lost profit.

What is the reason of bottleneck?

A bottleneck may be raised in the line for the following reasons…
1>   If the said operator has more work content than other operators.
2>   If the operator is unskilled or semi skilled in respect to the operation.
3>   If there happens quality fault in the operation.
4>   If two or various types (color) of thread are used in the same machine.
5>   If there is any problem in machinery purpose.

How to find bottleneck?

Find bottleneck in team using cycle’s checks / by continuous follow up in line.

How to solve bottlenecks?

Two things are very essential to solve a bottleneck.
A> Gathering information regarding the operation.
B>   Complete analysis of the operation.
Using the following steps can solve bottleneck………………….
1>   Selection the correct operator/ operation.
2>   Improve operator performance (skill/speed)
3>   Improve method
4>   Reduce work content of operation.
5>   Additional machinery / operator.
6>   Old methods E.G before automatic M/C were invented.
7>   Ensure bottleneck is not working on faulty production produced before the bottleneck.
Bottleneck=10pcs / hr=100/day
But two per hour go to operation before bottleneck (for repair) & need again to pass through bottleneck.

Bottleneck capacity= 10-2 Repairs (Not own)
                                    = 8 / hr=80 / day (10 hrs)
I.E. Further 20 jobs lost.

8>   Find capacity elsewhere in line factory.
9>   Work lunch breaks / overtime / shifts I.E maximize sewing time.
10>      If absolutely necessary Add Helper in addition E.C unpicking repairs, turning through etc. maximize sewing time.
Line Balance

For line balance we have to know some data some calculating information.
Those are: -
1>   How many operator
2>   Operation
3>   SMV
4>   Performance %
5>   Potential production / hr
6>   Hours to achieve target
7>   Capacity
8>   Target

Others are: -
Ø  Color of sewing thread
Ø  Types of machine
Ø  The foot or attachment

Cycle check: cycle check is a work measurement technique to measure the time taken the operators, when they are performing their jobs by using a stopwatch.

  *             Cycle check procedure:

1)     Select:
2)     Record:
3)     Check:
4)     Target find out:
5)     Calculate capacity

* What is rating?

     Rating is the assessment of the worker rate of working relative to the observer’s concept of the rate corresponding to standard pace.

      Rating scale:
1) 60—80
2)     75—100
3)     100—135
4)     0—100(British standard, ILO Certified)

      Details of British standard rating scale:

1)     0= No activity.
2)     1—50= Very slow, clumsy, operator appears to be half asleep, fumbling movement, weak and no interest in the job.
3)     51—75= Trying to get output but for their handling problem, less attentiveness they cannot make sure the quality and output also.
4)     76—100= very faster than other operators. They are working with their 100% concentration and make the garment with satisfactory quality and quantity level.

Factors affecting the rating:

The study person should be careful not to rate too highly when:
 1) The worker is worried or looks hurried.
2)     The worker is obviously being over careful.
3)     The job seems to be difficult to the study person.
4)     The study person is working very fast as when recording a short element study.

The study person should be careful not to be rate too low when:

1) The job looks easy.
2)     The worker is using smooth rhythmic movement.
3)     The worker does not pause to think when the study person expects this.
4)     The worker is performing heavy manual work.
5)     The study person is tired.



Characteristics of work-study officer:

1.      Sincerity
2.      Enthusiasm
3.      Interest in and sympathy with people
4.      Tactful
5.      Good appearance
6.      Self confidence

6th Day

Some Important Formula

Observe time = Total cycle time/ No. Of cycle
Basic time = Observe time X rating
SAM = Basic time + (Basic time x Allowance)
Rating= Observe rating x Observe rating / Standard rating.
Sam= Standard allocated minute.

What is target?

Target is the amount of production, which should be produced by an operator or a line that a management desires.

                    No. Of worker x w/hour x 60
Target=                                                              x Expected efficiency.

                  Total operator-------     20
                   W/hour---------------      08Hrs
                   SMV--------------------     15.65
                   Expected eff.----------  85%

                       20 x 08 x 60
So. Target =-------------------------- x 85%
                                 = 520ps
                                 = 65ps/Hr.

1)     Bundle handling basic minutes.
2)     Relaxation & contingency allowance.
   Relaxation allowance: It is an addition to the basic time intended to provide the worker with the opportunity to recover from the physiological and physiological effects of carrying out specified work under specified condition and to allow attention well depend on the nature of the job.

Contingency allowance: A contingency allowance is small allowance of time which may be included to standard time to meet legitimate and expected items of working delays is the precise measurement of which is going on.
7th Day

Efficiency = Earned minutes / Available minutes x 100
Performance= Earned minutes / Available minutes-Lost timex100
Available minutes= No. Of SAM earners x working minutes
 Earned minutes = Total production X SAM

Operation Break Down


This is a figure, which we calculate after reducing the lost time from the available minutes. This will give a clear idea about the exact lost time, which effected for low efficiency. The above a few types of lost time, which can affect for a sewing lines production. Lost time is also called as off-standard time & Non-productive time.

Earned minute
------------------------------------------ X 100
Available minutes – Lost time

8th Day

Skill inventory.


Capacity Booking

Capacity filling should be done in minutes. Which means the marketing department will have to sell the minutes available of the company.

Working Minutes: 480minutes /day (For 8 hrs.)
No. Of Workers /Line: 25
Available Minutes /Line: 25x480= 12000mnts
No. Of Lines In The Factory: 20
Total Available Minutes /Day: 12000x20=240000mnts

No. Of Working Days/Month: 24
Available Minutes /Month: 240000x24=5760000
Average Factory Efficiency%: 65%
Actual Available minutes / Month: 5760000x65%=3744000

This 3744000mnts is the factory capacity.
So as an example if a buyer comes with a style of SAM 10,the factory, which has the above capacity, will be able to do only 374400pcs.

Lost Time

CD – Cutting Delay
CM- Cutting Mistake
MB- Machine Breakdown
MD- Machine Delay
FBD- Fabric Delay
FD- Feeding Delay
AD- Accessories Delay
PD – Printing Delay
ED- Embroidery Delay
PF- Power Failure
CS- Color Shading
RW- Re-work
RF- Re-feeding
SCD- Style Changing Delay

9th Day

Operation Break down & Layout (Practical).

10th Day

Revise class & evaluation test.

The End

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